Last Summer, I painted this piece.
As with many pieces, I was working out and wrestling through a private struggle.
The moment my husband saw this piece that, at that time, was untitled, he said that it looks like a tattered, but beautiful necklace.
Seeing it through his eyes and hearing his first impression, this piece that literally had tears in the paint, took on a new life and meaning as she was given a name.
In her process was the presence of emotions stemming from loss, feeling stuck, relationship struggles, being misunderstood, communication difficulties, and the realization that, on this side of Heaven, very few precious people will truly see you and appreciate your heart and accept you for who you are.
That is where faith comes in. I'm a believer that there is an unconditional love of a Father in Heaven who sees us for who we are and places the highest value on us so much that He would sacrifice everything just for you.
I thank God for the lessons learned in navigating deep waters.
In the season of struggle, it sometimes just takes a noticer to actually see someone having their own moment and help them out with a good word, an "I see you" moment, a gift that takes care of a need, a blessing to help them stay afloat while they are treading in those deep waters.
So, while creating the Art Canvas Earrings, I was struck with the thought that these could actually bless someone.
The tagline on the packaging is
"A One of a Kind Masterpiece, Just like you"
There is no way any two could be alike. They are created from original Abstract Artwork on Artist's Canvas. Each one is cut individually and chosen for it's unique pattern and quality of color and message then assembled with non-allergenic and nickel free findings.
The moment the inspiration hit to play and create these beauties that I thought happened in the most organic way, I knew in my spirit that this was a special and inspired moment.
I'm so happy to announce that a portion of what is made from these unique pieces will now be given as an offering to bless others and I pray to be more of a noticer and be more sensitive to see the needs of others who need just a little lift. Those who could use the reminder that they are "fearfully and wonderfully made" that they have purpose and someone sees them and cares.
1 Peter 3:3-4
Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.
How interesting to use an external adornment to remind someone of how they are adorned internally.
I don't know how this will go, but here we go.
You can find these unique creations here.