Occasionally, your path crosses with someone who just blesses your socks off and blows you away with how much better your life is because they are in it. I'm so grateful for so many connections and this is one.

Truly, I didn't even know I needed these people and what they've shared with me in the months since we've met.
I'd like to introduce you, via link love, to
Vivian, The Bohemian Mama and her talented Husband, Brian.

So, this past week, Vivian shared on her instagram account, @the_bohemian_mama ,
a little nugget of valuable knowledge that really helped me. It didn't take long and it was just an authentic moment of sharing.
I was so inspired and it sparked a conversation with her and we discussed how amazing it would be to start a movement #shareyourknowledge.
So, how it works.....Vivian shared a wonderful piece of information where she showed how she makes her own vanilla extract as well as a wonderful natural anti-inflammatory that you can use and how it can improve your daily life! A little nugget of knowledge can be such a boost for one who needs that. THEN, She challenged a few creative friends that she knows and trusts to share a bit of knowledge that they have to give. They tag her and challenge a few friends at well and it all gets shared with #shareyourknowledge
Isn't it so special, especially in these times that separate us physically, how we have the ability to reach out and share and stay connected.
Many of you are so wise, have so much goodness to share, and can literally improve the daily lives of those you're connected to, by just giving away knowledge.
"We are given knowledge so we can share it".
These words were what inspired this whole thing!
The challenge for me got real when I thought "What a fab idea!!!....wait, what am I jazzed about? What do I share?
So, I thought about so many at home, feeling the creative tug and not being able to get supplies. It took me back to the days, when I felt that pull to create. A young stay at home Mom, I didn't have the bucks or list of supplies, or a way to get them. I wanted so badly to make a mark!!!!
I created my own supplies!...Yes...paints! 30 years ago before Pinterest or the Internet, there was Martha Stewart and an article on dying Easter eggs with onion skins. She dropped a little knowledge on a young Mom and some painted papers were born!

I'll do a #shareyourknowledge blog here soon, but you can see the original video on the highlights at the top of my instagram Account @tinalawvercreative
I'd love for you to visit and see it!
It was fun to share how you can create watercolor inspired stains and paints, from household items, and use them on paper to create a beautiful design you can use for a little piece of art to frame or a unique piece you can write an encouraging note on and send to someone who may need it right now.
When it comes down to it, we all have something of value to share. By receiving from someone's sharing or being challenged to be the sharer...either way, we grow.

Stop back for a more detailed blog on this project.
Blessings, Tina