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Writer's pictureTina


Updated: Jun 16, 2020

So many thoughts in my studio time seem to be consumed with the theme of family and the importance and the impact each member's role is in the life of a child.

As one who grew up in a Fatherless home, I and my sisters felt the ripple effect as we were left to ride what became stormy waves. Our Father moved on to create a new family, Our Mother left to just figure it out and build a seaworthy home in which we could weather the storms that were ahead. Her choices, in the midst of her own storm, often made the journey challenging all the more.

The air in our home was always, even when the "family unit" was "in tact", filled with a thick fog of discontentment that we all sensed, the winds picked up destructive power when the parents let go of each other's hands for the final time.

As a woman, in her mid 50's, I've been reflecting on how I fought in my 20's with fear and insecurity. In my 30's, broken and raising 2 children and learning to love and be a wife...when I sought healing with a therapist and really worked hard... body, mind, and spirit. In my 40's, when the truth that I'll never have all the answers on this side of heaven set in and now, as I sit here today writing this blog, with a deeper knowing that our roles, our commitments, our faithfulness, our "Yes" ...all have eternal impact. The same is true of our dropping the ball, our betrayals, and the effects of our "No". Also an awareness that my choices in those days caused ripples of their own. I thank God for His grace in reflection.

I believe that an artist cannot help but impart what is going on in the heart at that moment. It ends up on the canvas.

And so..."Legacy" is the result.

I see families in turmoil, hearts broken, lives changed, realities shifted, and legacy impacted by seeking our own self satisfaction in a moment.

There's very little eternal perspective on today's action, but the truth that today's choices are eternal never changes.

I wonder if we see the opportunities in these days.

As we, in this particular season, are facing a crisis of a virus, a pandemic no one saw coming, many are home with their children, homeschooling for the first time and facing new challenges working from home. Some have lost jobs, some have to work because they are deemed essential. Some see the impact of this moment and count their blessings and bless others.... Some have become hoarders of toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Choices look very different in this new perspective and character is revealed.

I pray we, in this season, are blessed with an awareness...a super heightened awareness...that this moment is a word on a page in the book of our lives that our children and grandchildren read. It's the prologue to their story just as the lives of those before us are.

It can be a navigation to help them weather life's inevitable storms. Were you faithful?, Did you trust God when you were shaken?, Did you say Yes and stay the course?, Was there joy?, Were you fully present?, Will they know that they were worth it?, Were we humble?, Did we repent and ask for forgiveness?, Did we choose a new way?,

Did we lift others before ourselves? Will we look back, smile and be grateful or will we need to overcome the experience?

The truth is that...Our destiny is built on our today.

May we be fully awake and aware and may our choices today be legacy focused.

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