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Writer's pictureTina

Relationally Speaking

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

I popped down the stairs this morning into the gallery, which is also the downstairs of our home, and was struck by this series that I painted over a year ago.

(top) "Contemplate", the single soul in deep thought and alone.

(middle) "Chat" the 2 little birds going back and forth about whatever, exchanging ideas, stories, laughs.

And then there is...

(bottom) "Conference" where wisdom of a counsel seeks to add confidence to a decision or life changing moment.

Oh how conversation has changed, but what has not changed is our need for conversation and relationships right now. Seriously, this season is challenging, strengthening, revealing, even defining relationships.

Whether working from home, homeschooling kiddos, being an "essential" worker, both spouses home more (or away more).....there certainly has been a major shift in how most of us are spending our time and how we are communicating with each other and ourselves.

So, how's it going for you? I have to say that I have, in these past few weeks, witnessed some things that I cannot help but take note of.

Although, I enjoy my alone time and ruling over my own space, I must admit that there have been times of sadness as I'm missing hugging those beautiful Grandbabies of ours and seeing our family. This social distancing, though I truly believe it flattens the curve as they say, has had an effect on perspective on our relationships for sure.

There are certain needs we creations being community.

To know and to be known is built into our dna. To love, to be loved and to express that love is such a part of us and effects our overall health as well. We were built for relationship and the giving and receiving of community looks a bit different than it did just a few short weeks ago.

So, that's where we are. Not as we were before.....and, I believe, when we emerge from this, we'll never be the same again.

On the other side of this, if we allow it, we could rise wiser, with new perspective, and living the abundant life that we were created to live.

We, in our isolation, are realizing the value of a family dinner when we can't have one, meeting friends for lunch out when all the cute spots we enjoy have to be closed,and popping over to play with the Grands means waiting for a sunny day, standing six feet away, blowing kisses and giving ghost hugs. Daily trips to get groceries, post a letter, or get a coffee have become more of a thing one plans for and weigh the value of instead of just a thing we mindlessly do.

We're also awakened to how communicating through technology can never be as rich as a human touch and face to face conversation.

And, of course, all of the people in hospitals and nursing homes separated from loved ones, not to mention all the health care workers in all areas.

There's nothing like experiencing the way things ARE to make us have an appreciation for how things COULD BE.

Some mourn the past, longing for how it was and that's ok for a season. Some live in the present and are whiney, fearful, or grateful. Some look ahead so much that they miss the opportunity that is here now that can make the future better.

I suppose we all choose to live this out in our own ways.

Though it is not worth even one human life lost to an invisible killer virus, could it be that in the midst of all this, we have the opportunity to course correct our own life? I mean have we ever experienced anything that has caused such a shaking of relationships and communication?

I've been asking myself if I really want to emerge from this and go back to who I was and how I viewed relationships before. I'm not sure I could revert back if I wanted to. I hear so many saying they can't wait until we get "back to normal".

Everything seems very new to me and I'm not sure that old patterns will even be effective as we move forward in community and that could be a very good thing.

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