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Art Journal

"In each brushstroke, a story unfolds"

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

I love to be the helper and photographer in Tina's creative workshops. Over the years, I have heard the term “trust the process” hundreds of times flow from my wife’s lips as she has taught both experienced artists and beginners. I have limited vision or talent when it comes to painting but several years ago I sat in one of Tina’s classes and I learned firsthand that if I would just listen and follow her instruction, I would be able to complete a painting that was respectable and not tragic to look upon. That painting is a tangible reminder that if I can just trust the process I can do things that are completely foreign to me. On every opportunity I get I try to encourage people to come take a class from Tina, not because we need the money but because it is so freeing and transforming to the stale mindset we get into. “I can’t even draw a stick figure” is the most common response I get. When I tell Tina this she likes to say, “Thank goodness because we don’t do stick figures here”

Many people have overcome that initial doubt and grow in both their skill set and spiritually from the experience, but what the people who don’t try are missing out on is that magical moment when they find out that they can do something new. They can break free from the old ways and experience something new or something they have suppressed for one reason or another. We have a friend who for years hasn't pursued his gift at painting but has recently sat in on a class and is on fire again to create. His wife gifting him this one experience has given life to a talent he once put aside to pursue other things in his life. To see the fire in his eyes lifts those around him to new levels of excitement. Another lady that has sat in on several workshops is discovering that she has talents she never knew she had. Whatever happens when people gather here to learn, it is all life giving.

God has a process that if we trust it, we will benefit greatly. In fact, He has many processes based on the different circumstances we find ourselves experiencing. Some would call these processes principles or precepts. Whatever you call them just know that If we trust the great creator, we will find out that even if we don’t have the vision to move forward in something new, He will guide us and give us the skills necessary to complete the task. And He will help us to do something new and on a greater scale than an art lesson can do.

Proverbs 29:18 says “When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful.” Just imagine if you were able to find joy in this crazy life. You can. Just trust the process.

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Updated: Jun 16, 2020

One of the most surprising things that has created growth, maturity, and boldness as a person as well as increased communication and skills as an artist is instructing, teaching, leading.

It has also been a key element in increasing my faith.

It's true!

Several years ago, a very persuasive friend, encouraged insisted! nearly forced! me out of my comfort zone to begin doing those "paint and sip" classes in her restaurant.

I was terrified! I'd never done that before, I had absolutely no desire to do that...and frankly, I was enjoying life in my lil studio creating as I pleased. I was doing commissioned work, creating in freedom with no judgement, privately mentoring others, and going my own, under the radar, way.

I did my first packed out event, totally winging it, dreading the moment, and filled with all the human emotion and anxiety that happens when you stand before others being filtered through their experience and expectations. Being encouraged to give God my yes and just show up, nearly 4 years of those classes taught me what I needed to learn and lead me to what is being created now.

What I know now that I never would have learned had I said no is that when you step into new territory, the first thing that happens is opposition.

Looking back, the first and worst opposition came from the most unlikely came from me! The narrative was quick, strong, and effective like the snap of a whip that leaves a slash wound.

"Who am I to lead?, I'm uneducated, untrained. What do I have to share?, Why would anyone listen to what I have to say? I don't look good enough to stand in front of a group? They have no idea how flawed I am, but they will see Why would anyone listen to me?...and on and on..."

Every body issue, every insecurity, every flaw was on display as I stood in front of the mirror in the restroom hearing all of the crowd noise on the other side of the door...and then I took a deep breath and a word of truth came over me..."You do not see yourself the way I see grateful" I suddenly did not want to miss this moment. If someone had opened that door and said "you don't get to do this tonight", I would have been devastated! What a contrast! Right?!

I opened that door and did a new thing. It wasn't perfect. It had a lot of moments of fear of failure and feelings of frailty and inferiority...But...BUT!

That was a beginning that I marked as a beginning that was connected to several other beginnings...

*like stepping onto a plane and landing in a foreign land to speak to women who spoke another language about sexual abuse and overcoming before I could really call myself an overcomer...

*like driving South by myself to submit and learn in the midst of those who know more than me about art and creativity even though I felt I didn't belong...

*like teaching a few semesters about creativity in a ministry school to future pastors, missionaries, and upcoming leaders about the importance and depth of creative communication...

*like being invited to speak to the art community in Savannah, GA (home of the Savannah College of Art and Design) about my self- taught work...

AND this is just a few!

The great revelation that motivates me to keep stepping is that it's NOT about me! I actually get to do this! Weakness and flaws are still on display, but God uses all of that and I wonder would His use of me be as effective for me and others if I were a bit more polished?

So, my knee jerk, opposing narrative doesn't last as long as it did that day. I still look in the mirror and remind myself that I don't see myself the way the Father sees me. I put on the warrior spirit He gives and walk onto the battlefield clothed in His armor and still shaking and turning several shades of red (everyone who has ever taken a class or heard me speak is familiar with this)

He just wants my yes and to show up as me.

My desire is to create an atmosphere in my studio for these small group workshops where people just say yes and show up as their authentic self.

Opposition is squashed with gratitude and knowing that we GET to do this!


to be expectant of an opposing attack who's goal is to stop that first step toward a dream... Opposition is certain and it comes when we take a step in new effective, influential territory that has the potential to have an eternal impact.

Choose gratitude, say yes, show up...and remember, we begin from the victory line and we have the honor of running the race.

In Christ, you are enough...and He doesn't call the the perfect and polished, He equips the flawed called.

Blessings to you


Acts 4:13

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  • Writer's pictureTina

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

Today is my amazing Husband's birthday.

Ted began as a sweet supportive friend my freshman year of high school. He was that guy, voted wittiest, nicest smile, and the guy everyone wanted to be their friend. He still is.

As you can read on our story page on this website, Ted and I have had quite a journey. We live an incredibly grateful life. We've had a life of living in plenty and seasons of living with very little. In every

season, we've experienced provision...

God is faithful.

We've experienced intense pain and overwhelming joy. In each instance, we know we've been held...again, God is faithful.

We've had moments of crazy foolishness and paid the price and, at times, we've been blessed with wisdom that saved us from consequences.

We are not perfect, but we are His. Our story has messy chapters, but it's been redeemed and has become a good read. ( more on that in the future as well)

I'm so very grateful today, and everyday, that I've been blessed with this great man with whom I get to share my life and I know he feels the same way about me.

He has wild, out of my comfort zone ideas and dreams. He may be a more daring dreamer than I am!

It was Ted who wanted to buy this old house. It was Ted who walked into our pole barn garage and said, "This is your studio". It was Ted who said.."Let's move everything upstairs and turn this lower level into our Gallery / Shoppe" (who knows when it'll actually be a thing...but it will)

It was he who said, "yes, you can do a solo show", "you need to go to Gathering of Artisans", "yes you can be a featured artist at the Savannah Art Walk" He is always saying "Yes, you got this!"

When I received the word several years ago that I was to Live where I work and work where I live, it was Ted who pointed out that I was being disobedient to my calling by doing anything else. "Stop it!"

It's Ted who says "you can do it!", "you're enough", "I'll be right beside you"

There isn't a gift that would express my gratitude for him (friendship, love, laughter, support) for his birthday for he is a gift to me everyday.

As much as I have no issue bragging on him, I know how sappy this must sound. Another thing Ted would say and I would echo it and stand with him in total agreement is that our relationship is just real with all it's ups and downs, it is a good Father who holds us together.

Blessings to you, Tina

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